Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

Institutional GBA+ Capacity

CanNor has developed a GBA+ Action Plan to guide and support GBA+ implementation across the Agency. A GBA+ Champion and officer continue to support GBA+ initiatives across the Agency, working with the broader GBA+ community in the Government of Canada to develop and share best practices. CanNor has 0.5 FTE dedicated to supporting the development and implementation of the GBA+ Action Plan. The Action Plan guides the integration of GBA+ into all aspects of CanNor's decision-making. Key action items include increasing the knowledge and understanding of GBA+ across the Agency as well as developing internal GBA+ resources and tools. The 0.5 FTE also supports writing GBA+ annexes for Memorandums to Cabinet (MCs), Treasury Board (TB) Submissions and Budget Letters.

Highlights of GBA+ Results
  • As part of its GBA+ Action Plan, CanNor developed and launched an employee questionnaire to gauge awareness, understanding, and use of GBA+ across the Agency, as well as to measure the extent of training that employees may have received.
  • Analysis of the questionnaire allowed for the recognition of several potential strategies to enhance application of GBA+ in the Agency's work:
    • Integration of GBA+ into program design and delivery.
    • Designation of a GBA+ expert who can act as a resource for employees.
    • Provision of in-person and/or specialized GBA+ training, especially for economic development officers and employees in northern offices.
    • Supply of disaggregated data and cross-sectional studies on Indigenous women and youth.
  • CanNor's suite of programs encourages diverse groups, including Indigenous peoples , women, and youth, to seek support for their projects. CanNor's programs also support increasing the capacity of these groups and individuals to participate in economic development opportunities in the territories.
  • As part of its Departmental Results Framework (DRF), CanNor tracks and reports on the labour participation rate of women and Indigenous peoples in the Territories.

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