About Pilimmaksaivik
Pilimmaksaivik (Federal Centre of Excellence for Inuit Employment in Nunavut) is the office responsible for coordinating a government-wide approach to building a representative public service in Nunavut.
"Pilimmaksaivik" is an Inuktitut word chosen by Inuit employees as the name for the Federal Centre of Excellence for Inuit Employment in Nunavut. It roughly translates to "a place to develop skills through observations, mentoring, practice and effort". Pilimmaksaivik supports Inuit societal values to carry out its work.
Organizational profile

To implement the Nunavut Agreement, Pilimmaksaivik and the Government of Canada work closely with treaty partners.
For the purposes of native treaty rights and treaty negotiation, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) is the legal representative for Inuit in Nunavut. NTI ensures that promises made under the Nunavut Agreement are carried out.
The Government of Nunavut (GN) is the territorial government of Nunavut, as established in Article 4 of the Nunavut Agreement. Sivumuaqatigiit, the GN's coordinating office for Inuit Employment, is housed within the GN's Department of Human Resources.
Pilimmaksaivik works with the 11 federal departments and agencies with strict obligations under the Nunavut Agreement. The departments and agencies are responsible for developing, implementing, and reporting on their own departmental Inuit Employment Plans (IEP), upholding the commitments outlined in the Whole-of-Government Inuit Employment Plan (WoG IEP), and supporting the recruitment, assessment and selection, retention, and advancement and talent management of their Inuit employees.
Pilimmaksaivik chairs several interdepartmental networks:
- The Human Resources Network, a working-level group of representatives from federal departments and agencies in Nunavut with Article 23 obligations. This group includes human resources practitioners, Inuit Employment Advisors and Senior Advisors.
- The Science-Based Positions Task Team, which supports a whole-of-government approach to increasing Inuit employment in scientific fields within federal jobs in Nunavut.
- The Federal Inuit Employees Network, a voluntary group aimed at creating a sense of community among Inuit employees.
The Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Steering Committee is chaired by the Deputy Head of Pilimmaksaivik, currently the President of CanNor. Other members include ADMs from the 11 federal departments and agencies with strict obligations under Article 23 of the Nunavut Agreement.
The ADM Steering Committee is responsible for providing strategic advice on both the WoG approach to implementing Article 23, and the strategies and measures from the WoG IEP. Regular observers of the Committee include representatives from NTI, the co-chairs of the Nunavut Federal Table, the Director General of Modern Treaty Implementation at CIRNAC, and the Director of Pilimmaksaivik.
The Nunavut Federal Table is an oversight body for Government of Canada activities in Nunavut, and a sub-group of the Northern Federal Council. The Nunavut Federal Table is co-chaired by the Nunavut Area Director of Service Canada, and the Director General of Regional Operations in CanNor.
The Nunavut Implementation Panel is responsible for overseeing and providing direction on the implementation of the Nunavut Agreement. Core membership includes representatives from the GN, NTI, and the Government of Canada.
Contact information
Pilimmaksaivik Office
100-351 Queen Elizabeth Way
Iqaluit (Nunavut) X0A 2H0