Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency: 2024-2025 Departmental Plan at a glance
A departmental plan describes a department's priorities, plans and associated costs for the upcoming three fiscal years.
Table of contents
Key priorities
- As one of Canada's seven Regional Development Agencies, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) works with Northerners and Indigenous peoples, communities, businesses, organizations, other federal departments and other orders of government to help build diversified and dynamic economies that foster long-term sustainability economic prosperity across the territories.
- In 2024-25, CanNor will continue to promote long-term job creation and build resilient economies in the territories. In support of these priorities, the Agency will:
- Drive economic development by strengthening business and community development through the delivery of a suite of funding programs that foster growth and innovation.
- Help Northerners meet their housing needs by supporting efforts to enhance the territorial construction ecosystem.
- Encourage economic development outside the territorial capitals by building on ongoing outreach activities with rural communities in the territories.
- Advance consultation tools to ensure the federal duty to consult processes are completed in a collaborative, effective and efficient manner in support of critical mineral and resource development in the North.
- Engage with territorial tourism entities to support impactful regional projects that will encourage sector growth through initiatives which build on ongoing success in international tourism markets.
- As CanNor works to advance economic development in the territories, it will continue to contribute to Canada's reconciliation journey. In support of this priority, CanNor will:
- Work directly with Indigenous communities to ensure they are positioned to take advantage of economic development opportunities in ways that support the economic goal and objectives of the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework, as well as, the implementation of the Inuit Nunangat Policy and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.
- In collaboration with Indigenous partners, implement the Economic Research Stream of the Northern Indigenous Economic Opportunities Program, which will strengthen the territorial Indigenous business space through economic research and knowledge development.
- Continue to implement Article 23 of the Nunavut Agreement through Pilimmaksaivik's strategic coordination of a government-wide approach to deliver innovative recruitment and training initiatives for Nunavut Inuit.
Refocusing Government Spending
In Budget 2023, the government committed to reducing spending by $14.1 billion over the next five years, starting in 2023–24, and by $4.1 billion annually after that.
As part of meeting this commitment, CanNor is planning the following spending reductions.
- 2024-25: $308,480
- 2025-26: $480,000
- 2026-27 and after: $714,560
CanNor will achieve these reductions by doing the following:
- Finding efficiencies in operational expenses, particularly in the areas of professional services and travel while ensuring continuing support for agency activities that contribute to federal consultation and treaty obligations; and
- Optimizing CanNor's contribution envelope to preserve maximum flexibility to meet the needs of the North while preserving supports for dedicated Indigenous programming.
The figures in this departmental plan reflect these reductions.
A Departmental Results Framework consists of an organization's core responsibilities, the results it plans to achieve, and the performance indicators that measure progress toward these results.
Economic Development in the Territories
Departmental results:
- People and communities participate in the economy in the territories
- Businesses are developing in the territories
- Efficient and predictable environmental review processes in the territories
Planned spending: $62,821,419
Planned human resources: 93 FTEs
In 2024-25, CanNor will advance economic development in the territories through the implementation of priorities set out in its Pan-Territorial Growth Strategy. More specifically, CanNor will work to strengthen the northern workforce and equip Northerners with the tools, skills, and experience they need to succeed in the workforce; leverage upcoming investments and the ongoing operation of major infrastructure projects to maximize local and regional economic opportunities; support the sustainable development of the mining and energy sectors, throughout the development cycle, in a manner which increases community capacity, maximizes jobs and wealth within the territories, and produces positive economic impacts in communities; and, foster the sustainable growth of other economic sectors with a focus on strengthened entrepreneurship and northern innovation.
More information about Economic Development in the Territories can be found in the full departmental plan.